within you

is        the       power  

to create change


redefining how we see & celebrate our births

send inquiry

Birth photography isn't just about a baby being born.

it's a transformative experience designed to celebrate, process, and honor your experience.

Birth photography is also a way to share your story as privately or as publicly as you desire.  I've had families who have printed their images and hung them in their homes, shared on social media, and more.  I've also had clients who have kept their galleries completely for themselves to revist through the years, privately.  The choice is yours!

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an inside look

here's what birth photography can mean for you:

A victory cry for the amazing accomplishment you've experienced.

A choice to do something for yourself, finally.

A statement of power and a claim of pride for what you've done!

A remembrance of the day you brought your child into the world.

A way to process all that you experienced while birthing.

A celebration of one of the most transformational moments in your life!

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client love


Your pictures still make me cry and with joy and happiness remembering the birth day.

Especially because it became difficult for me, didn’t go according to plan and made me upset .. But I look at your photos and understand that you gave me support to remember only the most beautiful of that night.

- maria

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Heather carries with her a certain humble and warm confidence that made me feel completely at ease with her presence in the room.

When we looked at the pictures for the first time, we both stared in awe and wondered, “How and when did she get these shots?” I still don’t know how in the
world she managed to capture the moments she did, while going virtually unnoticed but I will forever be grateful to her for her grace and tact that day.


I wanted photographs that were REAL. Photographs that showed the good, the bad, the ugly, the pain, the joy-everything and that is exactly why I chose Heather.

Heather's photos show real life and that is exactly what she did for me. She captured everything! When I look back at the photos of Audrey's birth I feel like I'm there all over again in every moment and my heart swells and my tears flow. She has given me a priceless gift-the gift of memories that I will be able to revisit over and over again. 

- Rianne

birth photography is for any type of delivery.

Whether you're planning a home birth, to birth in the hospital, this photography can be for you! There is no one way to bring life into this world. Whatever way it happens for you, it's worthy of being documented.

These sessions are for birthing people with all different stories. No matter where you end up giving birth, I'll be there to tell your story the way only an artist can!

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Celebrate your journey by honoring your experience and all you have achieved, capturing the essence of your unique story.


Embrace the present! Accept and celebrate how you brought your baby into the world, creating lasting memories of the moment.


Step out of your comfort zone and practice self-love and pride in an empowering way.


Embrace your strength and triumph over an extraordinary accomplishment.

this is for you!

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Expect your digital gallery of processed images to be ready within two weeks after the birth. I’ll send you a model release form to review and sign at your convenience, giving me permission (or not) to use images from your birth for marketing purposes. Additionally, I’ll send you a link to a testimonial and review questionnaire. Your feedback on the experience will help me improve and ensure future clients have the best possible experience.

After —

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You'll invite me as early or as late as you'd like me to join you in labor.  I prefer to be there as long as possible to tell a fuller story of the day. I'll photograph what unfolds without any expectations or distractions from me. I'll document from the time I arrive, through the birth, and for up to 2-hours after your baby is born.


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Reach out to me via my contact form or Instagram to get started. Once you're ready, I'll send you a contract and a questionnaire to review and sign. After that, we’ll have a conversation—whether it’s through FaceTime, phone, text, or messaging—where we'll discuss your expectations and desires for having your birth photographed. including location, wardrobe, and poses. We'll maintain ongoing communication as needed until you're in labor and have invited me to join you. I will be on-call for your birth starting at 37 weeks pregnant. 


from our first chat to your stunning photos, tailored just for you.

My Process

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Let's Work

Birth Photography is an empowering and necessary art form. Use it to process your experience or tell the story of the day you gave birth. You are fully in control of the level of privacy your images receive— sharing images publicly is never required.

I offer a privilege-based sliding scale for pricing and deliver full galleries digitally.

It’s about jumping in and doing something for yourself in this moment that will yield images that will last a lifetime.


$875 to $1,475
Sliding Scale

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Let's Make Magic!

let's start building our relationship, today!

send an inquiry

be           brave. 

         be             bold.


we can    create

the         future

we         want     to       see.